Window Treatments home > Site Information Center > Extending The Life of Your Window Treatment Extending The Life of Your Window TreatmentClick
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Hopefully, you have selected a classic look that will not fade with the passing fads. This in a fundamental design principal and it applies in all things decorative from clothing, to car colors, and yes, to window treatments! But if you have taken the plunge and decided to make a bold, trendy statement that doesn’t meet the typical standards, more power to you. You’ll still want your window treatment to last a good long while. Unless using drapes as sheer curtains, always order your curtains and window treatments with a quality lining. This will protect your curtains from sun damage and weather to greatly extend the life of your window coverings. Make sure that you have read and understood the manufacturer directions in caring for the materials of your window treatments. Using harsh detergents on wood window treatments may damage them. Most window treatment specialists only recommend dry cleaning window treatments to avoid shrinking and/or warping. Use a Scotch Guard on your fabrics to protect them from little messy hands or from pets. Make sure you’re the Scotch Guard can be safely applied to your window treatment fabric. Gently Brush your fabrics regularly to keepdust and dirt from accumulating and compromising the weave of your material. Dry clean on a regular basis. Take the time to raise fabrics off of the floor before
vacuuming underneath them to keep your draperies from being sucked
into the vacuum.
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