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Check the Labels on your draperies and clean according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you can find them, try to use cleaners that are natural, colorless, odorless, non toxic and biodegradable. A water soluble is a good option also. By following these guidelines, you will avoid harmful or toxic chemicals and residues to pets and children. For cleaning draperies, it may not always be possible to find natural products, however, if you can use natural cleaning products, you will be less likely to be left with a strong chemical smell and you won’t have to block off your house for hours after you clean. Try to select cleaners that are perfume free when cleaning your draperies. There are also some fine products out there that are not necessarily all natural, but when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, can be a fine way to clean your draperies. Monthly maintenance of your draperies is a good idea. You should vacuum once every couple of weeks. More often if need be. Try to remove the dirt and dust on a regular basis and it won't accumulate into a problem. Make sure that your vacuum is in good working condition. Make sure your vacuum bag is not over-full, as this will make your problem worse instead of better. Spot cleaning your draperies is also a good maintenance idea!
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