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To clean aluminum shutters, use ordinary soft, clean dust cloths, chemically treated dust cloths, vacuum cleaner brush attachments, or other available ordinary household aids. The paint surface of the slats is smooth and dust is easily brushed off if done at regular intervals. You can also use your vacuum. Use the brush attachment and turn the slats both ways when vacuuming. If you decide to dust your shutters, try using a pretreated dusting cloth. To wash your shutters, you can take them down and place them in a tub of soapy, mild detergent mixed with warm water. Rinse and air-dry them. Wood Shutters Keeping your shutters clean will not only make them last longer, it will also make the quality of your home better. Allowing dust to accumulate may cause breathing problems since it may impact the air quality in your home. Cleaning your shutters also makes for an inviting home environment. So, go ahead and tackle the job of cleaning those shutters. You’ll be so glad you did! Make sure you have checked with your manufacturer for guidelines
in how to clean your shutters!
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